5 June, 2022

The Ultimate Secret How to Grow Your Business Online Exponentially

Malak Mitch

I haven’t met any business owner who doesn’t want to grow his business in my entire career.

All of them want to increase their revenues and enjoy life more.

As a digital marketer, I always ask my clients about their primary objective of doing a website, advertising campaigns, social media, or any digital marketing activities.
The answer is constantly “Growing my business and getting more qualified clients.”

It makes sense; because if you don’t want to grow your business, why bother doing marketing after all?

The nasty reality about growing a business, it is really tough and stressful.

90% of business owners and entrepreneurs struggle to get their next customer; they don’t t know where the new customer will come from and when they will come!

Most business owners are filled with uncertainty and a lot of guessing with no solid plan for predictable results.

They are pulled in many directions and want to try all the new shiny things that may or may not help their business attract new customers.

Should I blog more? Should I build my personal brand?

Should I post more on social media? Or should I start documenting my whole life on Instagram?

What about landing pages?

Wait, should I build a new beautiful website? or should I run Facebook campaigns? or Google ads?

Should I care about SEO?

Of course, you should care about SEO to grow your business online. Imagine your website flooded with traffic, and this traffic converts to sales and all this for free without spending any money. All just because you care about SEO and make it easy to people to find you on the first page of google for what they are searching for and if you want to know the 10 KEYS THAT EXPERTS USE TO UNLOCK THE SEO RANKING POTENTIAL Then this blog is for you.

  • Should I start a podcast? Or should I consider LinkedIn and Twitter?
  • How to grow your business online?
  • Over time, you are stressed and overwhelmed, and on top of all that, you put in a lot of trial-and-error time, money, and never-ending effort, and you are still hoping and praying for great results. I call it the “Guesswork Loop.”
  • Or maybe you are flying and doing good with your business …, and you simply want to grow your business online even more.
  • You are not convinced of good results, and you want remarkable results.
  • Who doesn’t want more money, more freedom, more security, and more time with family and friends
  • Whatever your current business situation, I have good news for you.
  • You can turn your business from uncertainty and unpredictable results to a cash-making machine with exponential growth.

You are asking, How?

By building and investing in a sales funnel.

What is ” A Sales Funnel”? And How It Will Grow Your Business Online?

sales funnel

  • Imagine a pyramid shape and turn it upside down in your head, the pyramid’s base is on the top, and its head is at the bottom.
  • Imagine people flow through the funnel from top to bottom; at the top, there are not aware of your service or product. And at the very bottom, they are converted to be your customers.
  • Your business should own and operate a proven client-generated funnel to be your marketing framework. To consistently generate new customers for your business non-stop, so you can yield better results and grow your business online.
  • Understanding this strategy is game-changing and will ultimately grow your business online.
  • Let’s divide your sales funnel into five main phases; each phase has one way in and one out.


1- Awareness Phase (At the top of the funnel)

About 70% of your potential clients currently don’t care about your service or product; they are unaware that your business exists.

They don’t feel the pain yet that your business is trying to solve for them; that’s why they don’t care.

Your job at this phase is to light shine on their main fear and pain.

And the best way to do this is by telling a story that emphasizes their problem, and the best format for a story is to compose a short video and put it everywhere online, on social media, and on YouTube.

Storytelling always attracts people emotionally; the better you know your customer, the better you will tell a story, and if your story is outstanding, the more views you will have.

The main objective in this phase is to drive people to watch 75%-100% of your short video. Your scriptwriter, crew, and editor have to understand this objective.

Remember, each phase has one way in and one way out; the awareness phase starts with an outstanding video, and the way out is for people who watched more than 75% of the video timeline.

2- Engagement Phase

Once people watch more than 75% of your video, you might touch their pain, and now they are aware that they have a problem.

You raised many questions in their head, and now they are ready to learn more about the problem and how to solve it.

Remember, in this phase, they are still not interested in your service or product; they are only interested in their problem and want to learn for free.

Your job is to provide knowledge to them and answer all their questions no matter what the question is.

In this phase, you build a strong relationship with your potential prospects and let them feel that you know what you are talking about. You let them think that there is a solid solution to the problem.

Don’t ever sell your service or product at this stage; just answer the questions that fly at the back of their heads, and connect emotionally with their pain and needs.

The best way to engage with your interested audience is by publishing knowledge on your social media feed (ex., Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok). You can write articles on a blog if you have a website.

Engagement can be measured by the number of interactions, comments, and video views you will get.

3- Consideration Phase (Traffic)

By now, your audience is aware, and some of them know that your business has a solution for their pain. They are looking to your brand as a reliable source of truth. The good job keeps educating them.
Let’s say 10% of these people would likely want to consider visiting your business online, AKA visiting your landing page or website. We call them “Prospects.”

Wait, should I have a landing page?

Yes, you should.
You will simply ask your prospects to take an action and click a button to learn more about what you offer for them to solve their problem.
Remember, it has to be an offer. More about this in another blog post.

People who visit your landing page are looking for their benefits, what’s in it for them, and how much they will pay. And, what will they get in return? They don’t love you, they just checking.

It may sound logical, but even the top expert marketers forget this simple fact.

Your landing page has to be clear and concise about the main problem your prospect is trying to solve. Your landing page has to list the valuable benefits they will get once they contact your business.

Your landing page has to promise the level of service your business will offer, and it has to guarantee that your service or product doesn’t meet your client’s desires. Read this again.

This one is significant; your landing page has to have a primary call to action. Your visitors will be motivated to click on the call to action to buy or sign-up. They will proceed further with your online “conversion journey.” Remember, it has to be only one unique primary call to action.

I heard you when you said what a conversion journey is 🙂

Once your visitors click on the primary button on your landing, they will be redirected to a form or a series of steps; they are now in the middle of a journey; which we call “the conversion journey.” But they are filled with hesitation and distraction.

Your visitors may now be eager to buy your service or product. They have the intention to solve their problem. But they are not ready yet, so they simply leave.

4- Retargeting Phase

Many business owners consider people leaving their websites a failure.

However, they are just halfway through their exponential success. And that is where the retargeting phase comes in your sales funnel.

It’s commonly known that people visit web pages daily and simply leave with no action or half actions, and this behavior is very normal.

If you look at the view from a different angle, these people who left are highly interested in buying from you, but they don’t have the urgency.

How do you re-target these eager-to-buy visitors, persuade them to finish their conversion journey, and guide them one step forward into your sales funnel where they buy your service or products? This is the question.

There are many re-targeting tactics in the digital marketing sphere. I’m going to write a new blog post about that; but for now, consider doing this simple tactic:

1- Install Facebook, Google, and TikTok tracking codes on your landing page or website.
2- Create an advertising campaign on each channel and target only those who visited your website and left without completing the conversion journey in the last 30 days.
3- Write a customized message to each group of visitors based on the depth of their conversion journey. Guide them to come back to your website and complete the journey, but first of all, you have to know the barriers that stop them from continuing their conversion journey.
4- Create urgency by offering a limited quantity or timeframe of your offer. Trust me, scarcity always works.
These four simple steps will highly increase your conversion monthly rate, improving your revenues.
5- Retention Phase
The previous four steps certainly will generate sustainable customers or purely qualified leads for your business. So far, you have done a great job with customer acquisition.

It’s time to retain these customers as leads.

  • Remember, this is your customer’s first purchase from your business. Or your lead’s first serious action. If you made your customers satisfied and happy, they would enjoy buying from you again and again.
  • This segment of people, “Your customers or qualified leads,” is your brand’s most valuable audience. You can create another sales funnel to upsell your services and products to them.
  • The more they love your brand, the higher return on investment you will get from advertising directly to them. And as a result,  grow your business online.
  • You may hear this, 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your audience.

The Conclusion

  • To grow your business online & drive exceptional results, skip the guesswork, trial-and-error, and never-ending wasting of time and money on random digital marketing shiny activities.
  • Instead, focus on building a strong sales funnel, and I guarantee this will grow your business online 10 times faster, better and smarter. (Without hopes).
  • If you are still reading up to this point, then you are serious about and ready to grow your business online, and we can help you achieve this goal.
  • Claim Your FREE No-Obligation 30-Minute Digital Marketing Consultation (Valued at $1000) with one of our digital marketing team or me to build your sales funnel.

One last thing!

Be a wild dear and in order to be wild you have to beat up your competition, if you want to know how to then read our blog post Blow Off All Your Competition With A Simple Yet Stunning & Irresistible Offer! which let you in more secrets to grow your business online. You will know how to create an irresistible offer that bleeds out your competitor’s sales and leaves them screaming for mercy.

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